Submitted by Supporter on Mon, 12/10/2012 - 14:47
- Added a plugin system to expand the number of supported image formats.
- Added DCRaw plugin, that allows you to decode raw format images from digital cameras.
- Added ImageMagick plugin, that adds supports for more than 90 image formats, including PCD, DICOM, CUT, AVS, CIN, DOT, DPX, FITS, FPX, HDF, MAT, MIFF, MTV, PALM, PCL, PICT, PIX, PWP, RLA, SGI, SUN, SVG, TTF, VIFF, XBM, XCF, XPM.
- Added JBIG plugin, that adds support for JBIG, JBG, JBIE formats.
- Added Crop task.
- Added Color Adjustment task.
- Added ability to associate ImBatch with Saved Tasks (*.BSV) files.
- Some changes in Windows integration code.
- Fixed Watermark task applying.