ImBatch provides users with a variety of useful tools designed to help you get the most out of your image editing projects. Whether you’re looking to apply automatic edits, or customize the metadata of your images, ImBatch gives you complete control over your image collection. Through our Tools menu you’ll have access to three of our most powerful features; intuitive utilities that will assist you in building a time-saving, image editing workflow.
Image Monitor
The Image Monitoring feature lets you specify which folders they’d like ImBatch to keep tabs on. Whenever a new image is added to one of those folders, ImBatch will automatically apply pre-determined edits based on your stored task builds. All you need to do in order to begin taking advantage of this feature is let ImBatch know which folders to monitor, and what to do when new images are added. To learn more about this feature visit our Image Monitor How-to.

Context Menu Editor
One of our newer features, this exciting option lets you take previously saved task builds and add them to your Explorer context menu. In so doing, you unlock the convenience of being able to right-click any image on your hard drive and apply edits that are based on saved task builds. Without even needing to open ImBatch first, you’ll be able to take advantage of frequently used tasks through speedy, accurate, automatic edits. To read more about this option, check out our Context Menu Editor How-to.

Whenever you take a picture with your digital camera, all sorts of interesting details are recorded and then added to your digital images. This data serves as a collection of technical specifications detailing the conditions present when the photo was taken. Things like: brightness, date/time, exposure, flash, and image orientation are all automatically generated by your camera. But what about metadata, you know, the personal stuff? With the assistance of the EXIF/IPTC Editor, ImBatch lets you personalize your images through adding details like: category, city/state, keywords, title, copyright notice… even captions and descriptions! For more information on working with the EXIF/IPTC Editor, explore our Remove EXIF/IPTC Tags and Batch Edit EXIF/IPTC Tags articles.