ImWatcher v1.5
- Added a Scheduler to the camera's settings. Now you can set up the monitoring days and time for every camera.
- Minor GUI improvements.
ImWatcher v1.4
- fixed a codec bug in video recording
- improved used interface
- updated Greek translation
- a lot of minor fixes
ImWatcher v1.3
- added RTMP protocol support for IP-cameras
- added drawing timestamps for the shapshots
- added the ability to start/stop monitoring for individual camera
- some changes in thumbnails painting.
ImWatcher v1.2
- added hardware acceleration for video recording (Intel QSV, NVENC, AMD VCE)
- added Greek translation
- added the ability to check for a new version
- now the program run in 30 day free trial by default
- many minor fixes and improvements
ImWatcher v1.1
- added support of IP-cameras
- added support of dynamic on/off for webcams
- added ability to write a message to the developers
- improved settings saving
- still free :)
ImWatcher v1.0 beta
- first public version, free one