3D Image Preview
BonAView can generate high-quality thumbnails of your images and display them like interactive pictures in 3D space.
Intuitive and easy way to view images in 3D.
Easy rotating, flipping and moving between images.
Working with Categories
Categories are the easiest way to organize and manage your photo collection, which can be any size – from a few hundred to a few million photos.
UNLIMITED number of categories.
Creating the hierarchy of categories.
UNLIMITED level of the hierarchy of categories .
Adding images to the category in an easy way. To add an image, just drag-and-drop any image into the category you need.
UNLIMITED number of images in categories.
Searching Images
A powerful BonAView image searching tool, which will help you find exactly what you want.
Flexible and easy image search.
Wide choice of search criteria. You can search your photos by file name, size, type, image dimensions, rating etc.
Filtering Images
With an image filtering tool you can reject the waste browsing or searching results.
Instant image filtering.
Filtering images in current folder, category, or search results.
Editing Images
BonAView includes a powerful, easy-to-use image editor with a set of useful tools to help reduce red-eye in digital images, remove an unwanted color cast, apply special effects, and much more.
Automatic image quality improvement.
Removing "red eyes".
Supporting common image filters.
Adjusting color balance or brightness/contrast to your photos.
Cropping, resampling your images.
Sharpening or blurring your photos.
And many others…
Image Info
Easy access to the main image info.
Easy manipulating the image database properties such as rating, category, or caption.
Supporting EXIF data of your photos.
Image Annotations
An annotation tool lets you easily add vector objects, such as lines, rectangles or captions to your photos.
- Easy creation of captions for your images.
- Measurement of distances and angles in the photos.
- Adding watermarks.
- Adding vector objects, such as lines, rectangles, ellipses.
- Detailed settings of vector objects.
With EXIF/IPTC editor you can edit/add/delete almost any IPTC or EXIF information, that is embedded into your photos.
Edit/Add/Delete EXIF information.
Edit/Add/Delete IPTC information.
ImageBoard Tool
Replacement of the standard Windows Clipboard tool for manipulating your photos.
Simultaneous work with lots of pictures (copying, pasting, assigning to category).
Built-in Scanning Tool
This is a full-featured scanning tool, which helps you to get images from your scanner, rotate them, adjust colors, borders etc.
Scan your photos without interrupting your work with BonAView!
Preview using setting scanning borders.
Adjust contrast, brightness, saturation to your scanned photos.
Rotate scanned images.
Import Tool
Import tool lets you get your photos from ALL your devices.
Import photos from camera.
Import photos from your scanner.
Get images from your card reader and other removable devices.
Import your photos from other TWAIN or WIA compatible devices.