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Add To PDF

Description Saves images in a PDF document, with each image placed on a separate page.

File Name Defines a path and a file name for saving the PDF document.

Compression Defines a filter for compressing the PDF document. No compression means that no compression will be used; the G4FAX and G4FAX2D compression methods are intended for monochrome images only (1 bit per pixel); DCT-JPEG compression is intended for color images (more than 1 bit per pixel); and LZW compression can be used for any images.

Paper Format Defines the paper size. There are several presets to select from: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B5, Letter (8.5"x11"), Legal (8.5"x14"), or Ledger (17"x11"). You can also set the paper size manually by selecting Custom.

Paper Width Defines the page width. The sizes are measured in Adobe PDF points (1 point = 1/72 of an inch). This option is visible only if the Paper Format option is set to Custom.

Paper Height Defines the page height. In other respects, this option is similar to Paper Width.

Author Defines the name of the person who created the document.

Creator Defines the name of the application that created the document.

Keywords Defines keywords associated with the document.

Subject Defines the subject of the document.

Title Defines the name of the PDF document.

Producer Defines the name of the application that converted the image to PDF.
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