Description | Lets you process only images that match the given condition(s). Step-by-step filtering images explained |
Parameters: |
Expression | The condition for further processing. If the result of the expression is 0, ImBatch will skip the current image, otherwise the image will be processed by the following tasks. |
Filter task works as follows:
If the result of an expression in the Expression field is 0, then the tasks processing of current image is aborted and a the processing of next image begins. You can use following in the expression:
- standard arithmetic operators such as: +, -, *, /;
- non-standard arithmetic operators: integer division (div), modulo (mod);
- comparison operators: less (<), less or equal (<=), more (>), more or equal (>=), equal (=), not equal (<>), an also cmp operator, that returns 1, if left number is more than right number, 0, if both numbers are equal and -1, if the left number is less than right number;
- boolean operators: 'and', 'or', 'xor' (exclusive or), 'not';
- bitwise operators: bnot, band, bor, bxor, shl, shr.
Also you can use more than 100 additional functions in the expression. Most of them returns information about the image (width, height, bits per pixel, different EXIF/IPTC tags), information about the file (name, extension, folder, index, date etc). Other functions works with strings and date. All functions accepts and returns 4 types of data: number, date and time, string and boolean. For convenience, the name of the function ends with a letter, that indicates type of a value that it returns (N(Number)/D(Date and time)/S(String)/B(Boolean)). Also all functions, that starts with a "Get" don't accept any parameters and just returns some information (about file/about image/EXIF/IPTC). Functions that starts with a "Func" may require some parameters. The number and type of parameters can be recognized by a combination of letters after the "Func" (on the same principle as that for the return type). All string const must be enclosed in single quotes.>
Example of using:
The condition for images that have 'DCM' phrase in it name is as follows: Func_SS_StringHasSubString_B(Get_FileName_S, 'DCM')
Functions for getting EXIF information:
Get_EXIF_Aperture_N - Returns EXIF Aperture value. Exif.Image.ApertureValue (ID: 37378)
Get_EXIF_Artist_S - Returns EXIF Artist value. Exif.Image.Artist (ID: 315)
Get_EXIF_Brightness_N - Returns EXIF Brightness value. Exif.Image.BrightnessValue (ID: 37379)
Get_EXIF_ColorSpace_N - Returns EXIF Color Space value. Exif.Photo.ColorSpace (ID: 40961)
Get_EXIF_CompressedBPP_N - Returns EXIF Compressed BPP value. Exif.Photo.CompressedBitsPerPixel (ID: 37122)
Get_EXIF_Contrast_N - Returns EXIF Contrast value. Exif.Photo.Contrast (ID: 41992)
Get_EXIF_Copyright_S - Returns EXIF Copyright value. Exif.Image.Copyright (ID: 33432)
Get_EXIF_DateTime_D - Returns EXIF Date and Time value. Exif.Image.DateTime (ID: 306)
Get_EXIF_DateTimeOriginal_D - Returns EXIF Date and Time of original value. Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal (ID: 36867)
Get_EXIF_DateTimeDigitized_D - Returns EXIF Date and Time digitized value. Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized (ID: 36868)
Get_EXIF_DigitalZoom_N - Returns EXIF Digital Zoom value. Exif.Photo.DigitalZoomRatio (ID: 41988)
Get_EXIF_ImageXSize_N - Returns EXIF Image Width value. Exif.Image.ImageWidth (ID: 256)
Get_EXIF_ImageYSize_N - Returns EXIF Image Height value. Exif.Image.ImageLength (ID: 257)
Get_EXIF_Version_S - Returns EXIF Version value. Exif.Photo.ExifVersion (ID: 36864)
Get_EXIF_ExposureBias_N - Returns EXIF Exposure Bias value. Exif.Image.ExposureBiasValue (ID: 37380)
Get_EXIF_ExposureIndex_N - Returns EXIF Exposure Index value. Exif.Image.ExposureIndex (ID: 37397)
Get_EXIF_ExposureMode_N - Returns EXIF Exposure Mode value. Exif.Photo.ExposureMode (ID: 41986)
Get_EXIF_ExposureProgram_N - Returns EXIF Exposure Program value. Exif.Image.ExposureProgram (ID: 34850)
Get_EXIF_ExposureTime_N - Returns EXIF Exposure Time value. Exif.Photo.ExposureTime (ID: 33434)
Get_EXIF_FileSource_N - Returns EXIF File Source value. Exif.Photo.FileSource (ID: 41728)
Get_EXIF_FlashPixVersion_S - Returns EXIF FlashPix Version value. Exif.Photo.FlashpixVersion (ID: 40960)
Get_EXIF_Flash_N - Returns EXIF Flash value. Exif.Image.Flash (ID: 37385)
Get_EXIF_FNumber_N - Returns EXIF F-Number value. Exif.Photo.FNumber (ID: 33437)
Get_EXIF_FocalLength_N - Returns EXIF Focal Length value. Exif.Photo.FocalLength (ID: 37386)
Get_EXIF_35mmFocalLength_N - Returns EXIF 35mm Focal Length value. Exif.Photo.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm (ID: 41989)
Get_EXIF_FocalPlaneResolutionUnits_N - Returns EXIF Focal Plane Resolution Units value. Exif.Image.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit (ID: 37392)
Get_EXIF_FocalPlaneXResolution_N - Returns EXIF Focal Plane X Resolution value. Exif.Image.FocalPlaneXResolution (ID: 37390)
Get_EXIF_FocalPlaneYResoultion_N - Returns EXIF Focal Plane Y Resoultion value. Exif.Image.FocalPlaneYResolution (ID: 37391)
Get_EXIF_GainControl_N - Returns EXIF Gain Control value. Exif.Photo.GainControl (ID: 41991)
Get_EXIF_ImageDescription_S - Returns EXIF Image Description value. Exif.Image.ImageDescription (ID: 270)
Get_EXIF_ImageID_S - Returns EXIF Image ID value. Exif.Image.ImageID (ID: 32781)
Get_EXIF_ISOSpeedRatings_N - Returns EXIF ISO Speed Ratings value. Exif.Image.ISOSpeedRatings (ID: 34855)
Get_EXIF_LightSource_N - Returns EXIF Light Source value. Exif.Image.LightSource (ID: 37384)
Get_EXIF_Make_S - Returns EXIF Make value. Exif.Image.Make (ID: 271)
Get_EXIF_MaximumAperture_N - Returns EXIF Maximum Aperture value. Exif.Image.MaxApertureValue (ID: 37381)
Get_EXIF_MeteringMode_N - Returns EXIF Metering Mode value. Exif.Photo.MeteringMode (ID: 37383)
Get_EXIF_Model_S - Returns EXIF Model value. Exif.Image.Model (ID: 272)
Get_EXIF_Orientation_N - Returns EXIF Orientation value. Exif.Image.Orientation (ID: 274)
Get_EXIF_ResolutionUnits_N - Returns EXIF Resolution Units value. Exif.Image.ResolutionUnit (ID: 296)
Get_EXIF_Saturation_N - Returns EXIF Saturation value. Exif.Photo.Saturation (ID: 41993)
Get_EXIF_SceneCaptureType_N - Returns EXIF Scene Capture Type value. Exif.Photo.SceneCaptureType (ID: 41990)
Get_EXIF_Sharpness_N - Returns EXIF Sharpness value. Exif.Photo.Sharpness (ID: 41994)
Get_EXIF_ShutterSpeed_N - Returns EXIF Shutter Speed value. Exif.Image.ShutterSpeedValue (ID: 37377)
Get_EXIF_FirmwareVersion_S - Returns EXIF Firmware Version value. Exif.Image.Software (ID: 305)
Get_EXIF_SubjectDistanceRange_N - Returns EXIF Subject Distance Range value. Exif.Photo.SubjectDistanceRange (ID: 41996)
Get_EXIF_SubjectDistance_N - Returns EXIF Subject Distance value. Exif.Photo.SubjectDistance (ID: 37382)
Get_EXIF_UserComment_S - Returns EXIF User Comment value. Exif.Photo.UserComment (ID: 37510)
Get_EXIF_WhiteBalance_N - Returns EXIF White Balance value. Exif.Photo.WhiteBalance (ID: 41987)
Get_EXIF_XResolution_N - Returns EXIF X Resolution value. Exif.Image.XResolution (ID: 282)
Get_EXIF_YResolution_N - Returns EXIF Y Resolution value. Exif.Image.YResolution (ID: 283)
Get_EXIF_XPAuthor_S - Returns EXIF XP Author value. Exif.Image.XPAuthor (ID: 40093)
Get_EXIF_XPComment_S - Returns EXIF XP Comment value. Exif.Image.XPComment (ID: 40092)
Get_EXIF_XPKeywords_S - Returns EXIF XP Keywords value. Exif.Image.XPKeywords (ID: 40094)
Get_EXIF_XPRating_N - Returns EXIF XP Rating value. Exif.Image.Rating (ID: 18246)
Get_EXIF_XPSubject_S - Returns EXIF XP Subject value. Exif.Image.XPSubject (ID: 40095)
Get_EXIF_XPTitle_S - Returns EXIF XP Title value. Exif.Image.XPTitle (ID: 40091)
Functions for getting IPTC information:
Get_IPTC_Title_S - Returns IPTC Title value. Iptc.Application2.ObjectName (ID: 5)
Get_IPTC_Category_S - Returns IPTC Category value. Iptc.Application2.Category (ID: 15)
Get_IPTC_Keywords_S - Returns IPTC Keywords value. Iptc.Application2.Keywords (ID: 25)
Get_IPTC_ReleaseDate_D - Returns IPTC Release Date value. Iptc.Application2.ReleaseTime (ID: 35)
Get_IPTC_Instructions_S - Returns IPTC Instructions value. Iptc.Application2.SpecialInstructions (ID: 40)
Get_IPTC_CreatingDate_D - Returns IPTC Creating Date value. Iptc.Application2.TimeCreated (ID: 60)
Get_IPTC_Creator_S - Returns IPTC Creator value. Iptc.Application2.Byline (ID: 80)
Get_IPTC_CreatorJobTitle_S - Returns IPTC Creator's Job Title value. Iptc.Application2.BylineTitle (ID: 85)
Get_IPTC_City_S - Returns IPTC City value. Iptc.Application2.City (ID: 90)
Get_IPTC_ProvinceState_S - Returns IPTC Province/State value. Iptc.Application2.ProvinceState (ID: 95)
Get_IPTC_CountryName_S - Returns IPTC Country Name value. Iptc.Application2.CountryName (ID: 101)
Get_IPTC_CreditLine_S - Returns IPTC Credit Line value. Iptc.Application2.Credit (ID: 110)
Get_IPTC_CopyrightNotice_S - Returns IPTC Copyright Notice value. Iptc.Application2.Copyright (ID: 116)
Get_IPTC_Description_S - Returns IPTC Description value. Iptc.Application2.Caption (ID: 120)
Get_IPTC_DescriptionWriter_S - Returns IPTC Description Writer value. Iptc.Application2.Writer (ID: 122)
Functions for getting information about a file:
Get_CurrentIndex_N - Returns current processing image index, starting with 1.
Get_FileName_S - Returns the file name without an extension.
Get_FolderName_S - Returns folder name of the current image.
Get_Extension_S - Returns extension of a file for current image.
Get_FileSize_N - Returns file size in bytes.
Get_FileCreationDate_D - Returns file creation date.
Get_FileModificationDate_D - Returns file modification date.
Get_FileAccessDate_D - Returns file last access date.
Get_IsHidden_B - Retuns 1, if file has "hidden" attribute and 0 - if hasn't.
Get_IsReadOnly_B - Returns 1, if file has "read only" attribute and 0 - if hasn't.
Functions for getting information about an image:
Get_Width_N - Returns current image width.
Get_Height_N - Returns current image height.
Get_DPIX_N - Returns current image depth in pixels per inch horizontally.
Get_DPIY_N - Returns current image depth in pixels per inch vertically.
Get_BPP_N - Returns the number of bits per pixel for current image.
Get_BPS_N - Returns the number of bits per sample for current image.
Get_SPP_N - Returns the number of samples per pixel for current image.
Get_HasAlphaChannel_B - Returns 1, if current image has an alpha channel and 0 - if hasn't.
Functions for working with strings:
Func_S_Length_N - Returns the number of characters in a string.
Func_SN_GetStringChar_S - Returns a character from the string. The first parameter is a source string. The second parameter is an index (starting from 1) of the character to get.
Func_SS_StringHasSubString_B - Returns 1, if a string has the specified substring and 0 - if hasn't. The first parameter is a string, where to search. The second parameter is a substring.
Func_SS_CompareStrings_N - Compares two strings without case sensitivity. The function compares them alphabetically. If first string is more than second, then function returns 1. If they equals - 0. If first string is less than second, then function returns -1.
Functions for working with date and time:
Func_D_YearOf_N - Returns the year represented by a date parameter value.
Func_D_MonthOf_N - Returns the month of the year represented by a date parameter value.
Func_D_DayOf_N - Returns the day of the month represented by a date parameter value.
Func_D_DayOfTheWeek_N - Returns the day of the week represented by a date parameter value. Returns a value between 1 and 7, where 1 indicates Monday and 7 indicates Sunday.
Func_D_DayOfWeek_N - Returns the day of the week for a specified date. Returns the day of the week of the specified date as an integer between 1 and 7, where Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday is the seventh.
Func_D_HourOf_N - Returns the hour of the day represented by a date parameter value.
Func_D_MinuteOf_N - Returns the minute of the hour represented by a date parameter value.
Func_D_SecondOf_N - Returns the second of the minute represented by a date parameter value.
Func_Now_D - Returns current date and time.
Func_Time_D - Returns current date.
Func_Date_D - Returns current time.
Func_NNN_CreateDate_D - Returns date value created from specified year, month and day values.
Func_NNN_CreateTime_D - Returns time value created from specified hour, minute and second values.
Func_DD_SecondsBetween_N - Returns the number of seconds between two specified date values.
Func_DD_MinutesBetween_N - Returns the number of minutes between two specified date values.
Func_DD_HoursBetween_N - Returns the number of hours between two specified date values.
Func_DD_DaysBetween_N - Returns the number of days between two specified date values.
Func_DD_MonthsBetween_N - Returns the number of months between two specified date values.
Func_DD_YearsBetween_N - Returns the number of years between two specified date values.
Func_DD_CompareDateTime_N - Compares two date values and returns 1, if first date value is more than second value, 0 - if both dates are equal and -1, if first date is less than second date.