Description | Shifts the image horizontally and vertically by the specified value without changing the size of the image. The empty space that appears is filled in the way with the specified parameter Fill Empty Space With. |
Parameters: |
X | Sets the horizontal offset. You can specify the offset units in the Units field. If you select %, then the offset will be relative (relative to the width of the image). You can also enter various expressions in the field. |
Y | Sets the vertically offset. You can specify the offset units in the Units field. If you select %, then the offset will be relative (relative to the height of the image). You can also enter various expressions in the field. |
Fill Empty Space With | Specifies the method for filling the empty space that was created due to the offset. Possible values: Color - the empty space will be filled with the color specified in the Color field; if the image has an alpha channel, it will be filled with the value specified in the Alpha field. Wrap - the empty space will be filled with the repeated image. Mirror - the empty space will be filled with the reflected image. Repeat Edges - the empty space will be filled with the color taken from the borders of the image. |